Family Costume 2017

Family Costume 2017: Lord of the Rings

This year I was feeling extra creative and wanted to go all out. We were throwing a party this year so we had a reason to wear our costumes more than once. Last year Kevin's part of the family costume was pretty mild, and I could tell he wished he had something more fun.

I decided (back in, like, May) that we would do Lord of the Rings! It's one of Kevin's favorite movie franchises. Jack would make an adorable hobbit, Kevin's Gandalf impression is stellar (so is his Smeagol... but yeah I wasn't going to let that happen haha) And then I would be Legolas- I already had the blonde hair, and Orlando Bloom was my childhood crush so I couldn't resist.

Kevin's wig and beard came in a pack from Amazon. We couldn't stop laughing when he tried it on. "How am I supposed to eat with this beard?!" I had to pin back the sides of his hair because it kept falling in his face. Hearing him say "YOU SHALL NOT PASS" was so amazing hahaha

I had an army green dress that I decided to wear. I honestly didn't have much time to focus on my costume because I was so focused on Kevin's Gandalf robe. As I've mentioned before in my last Halloween post, I normally avoid sewing at all costs. This year, for some reason, I was feeling confident that I could do it all on my own. I will never listen to myself when it comes to sewing projects ever again. It was a disaster! I ended up spending so much money just on the dang fabric, it would have made more sense to buy a $60 costume off amazon. When I showed it to my mom and sister they were laughing so hard, "how come some parts are hemmed but not others???" my mom asked while laughing. Yeah yeah yeah I know it was horrible! Kevin was a great sport, he never made fun of my attempt. He strutted around in that costume with pride!

The staff was cut down from our backyard (we live next to a creek with lots of trees)

Jack's hobbit costume, and my cape were found at a thrift store. It was crazy, the thrift store had EXACTLY what I was looking for.

I cut the leaf pins (sorry, the "Leaves of Lorien", my husband had to correct me) from cardboard and just painted them to look like the ones from the movie. Then I pinned them onto our capes.

I borrowed the bow and arrow from my nephew. Haha I loved the wooden horse attached to the bow.

I'm so sad I didn't get a picture of the back of my hair, I asked my mom to try this hair tutorial on me for my Legolas costume. It wasn't exactly what his hair is like in the movie, but it turned out awesome! I may be 24 but I will never not ask my mom to do my hair :)

Due to health complications I had for most of October, I wasn't able to do all that I had originally planned. Jack was going to be Samwise Gamgee, my favorite hobbit, and I was going to make him a miniature backpack with mini pots and pans hanging from it. I eventually ran out of time and didn't make the backpack :( so Jack was just "a hobbit".

But a very CUTE hobbit!!!!!!

Happy Halloween!


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